Hello Tripawds!

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Hello Tripawds!  My name is Lucy, I’m a 5 year old Pitbull/Boston Terrier mix who joined the tripawd community on 1/31, when I had my front right leg amputated.  I’m an animal cruelty rescue, taken from my owners when I was 5 months old.  My front leg had been broken and not treated (along with a few other issues), so I had a limp when my new moms adopted me at 7 months old.   I used my leg most of the time, then it gradually decreased until I rarely used it.  You can see how twisted it is in a photo from 3 years ago.  Recently it started causing too much pain and the decision was made to amputate.

So here I am now, with my big brother who always looks out for me.

Things were going great until about a week after my surgery, when I started having a lot of pain – panting, shaking, whining and pacing.  The ER doctor thought I might have IVDD but my surgeon checked me out when she removed my stitches today and thinks I may have phantom limb pain.  I’ll have my mom post more information about how we’re dealing with the pain, but I have to go now.  It’s dinner time and ever since my surgery, I’ve been able to sucker the moms into adding tuna to my kibble.  Yum!

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